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Sea Cucumber drying machine

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Sea cucumber dryer,Drytech Sea cucumber drying machine, drytech sea cucumber dehydrator

Sea cucumber is an echinoderm marine animal of the echinoderms. It has a history of more than 600 million years. The sea cucumber is not only a precious food, but also a valuable medicinal material. It is one of the eight treasures in the world with the same ginseng, bird's nest and shark's fin. According to the "Compendium of Compendium of Materia Medica" records: sea cucumber, sweet and salty, kidney, beneficial essence, urination, aphrodisiac treatment, its temperature is warm, foot enemies, hence the name sea cucumber. Moreover, sea cucumber has the functions of improving memory, delaying gonad senescence, preventing arteriosclerosis and anti-tumor. Sea cucumbers have leathery skin and a slender body that contains a single branch of the gonads. Sea cucumbers can be found on the seabed around the world. There are about 1,717 species of whole human fish in the world, the most of which are in the Asia-Pacific region, many of which are for human consumption and some in aquaculture systems. Sea cucumbers play an important role in marine ecosystems because they help to recover nutrients, break down debris and other organic matter, and bacteria can continue to degrade.
Like all echinoderms, sea cucumbers also have an endoskeleton beneath the skin, and the calcified structure is usually reduced to isolated tiny bones (or hard bones) connected by connective tissue. In some species, sometimes they can be expanded into flat panels to form armor. In the pelagic species, there is no skeleton and no calcium ring. The name of the sea cucumber is similar to the shape of the cucumber.

The drying method of the oldest sea cucumber is natural air drying and air drying, but these two methods have long drying time and are affected by the environment and weather. Later, they developed to burn wood and burn coal. Now the main drying methods are electric heating drying and heat pump low temperature constant temperature. Dehumidifying and drying. Regardless of which type of sea cucumber is dried for the purpose of dehydration, the key is which drying method can best preserve the nutrients and appearance of sea cucumber.

The processing steps of sea cucumber are: cut to the intestine - cleaning - cooking - drying step, below we will focus on the drying technology of sea cucumber and the choice of sea cucumber dryer and drying mode through the processing steps of sea cucumber.
Sea participation process steps:
1. Sea cucumber cutting and intestines: The sea cucumber is cleaned with water. Cut the two or three centimeters from the abdomen with scissors and remove the internal organs and intestines. Without removing the intestines, the whole sea cucumber will be destroyed.
2, cleaning sea cucumber: sea cucumber is difficult to clean, so after removing the internal organs, the sea cucumber is repeatedly cleaned, generally cleaned 5 times to clean.
3. Cooking sea cucumber: When the water temperature is 90 degrees, the cleaned sea cucumber is put into the pot for cooking, and the tool is stirred back and forth to prevent the water temperature from being uneven. At this time, the sea cucumber is rapidly reduced, and the sea cucumber thorn is prominent. After about half an hour, remove the sea cucumber and mix in the coarse salt as appropriate.
4. Sea Cucumber Drying: Place the cooked sea cucumber on the material tray, place the material tray of the sea cucumber into the air energy heat pump sea cucumber dryer, set the drying temperature, humidity and time parameters through the intelligent control system, and start dry. If it is ordinary salt dried sea cucumber, the drying temperature setting can be slightly higher. If it is high-quality dry or pure dry sea cucumber, try to use the dryer's cold air drying mode, 25~35 °C, cold low temperature The sea cucumber with constant temperature dehumidification and dryness has a bright color and good scent preservation, and has a special fragrance of sea cucumber. The temperature of the rising sea air sea cucumber dryer is adjustable, including hot air drying, cold air drying and low temperature constant temperature dehumidification drying.

5, sea cucumber test standard: sea cucumber products water content below 15%, shape is neat, abdominal cavity is intact, fleshy and fat, smooth color, salt taste is very light, uniform size

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